Congregational Leadership
Tools for leaders to care for themselves and others.
Scott Morris wrote for the 2018 Church Health Reader that pastors face challenges to achieve wellness and that it's a compelling calling for any church to answer.
Susan Sparks wrote for the 2014 Church Health Reader that humor heals. Stacy Smith next contributed an interview with Father James Martin, The Colbert Report's official chaplain.
Anglican Tim Stead wrote theologically, for the 2015 Church Health Reader, about being intentionally aware of your own self. The journey is paired with insightful Gospel illustrations that help us connect with our Creator. Jane Slatery discusses effectiveness. Scott Morris wrestles with mindful prayer. And Lauren Hales explores mindful worship.
"Stress is the new killer." Those of us who suffer physical symptoms from unmanaged stress know all too well the truth of that statement. This tool helps have that conversation with your congregation - with an eye on making change.
THE PARSONAGE PROJECT is making every effort to include resources that accommodate every and all faiths. The resources we have readily available are Christian-based, marked with +. Resources from other faith traditions are very welcome to be submitted for consideration, CONTACT US.